Sunday, July 29, 2012

Amelia Island

So this weekend was very short and quick, yet so relaxing! My boss and his wife treated us Normandy girls to the Ritz Carlton in Amelia Island. It started with lunch yesterday, then a relaxing time at the pool, a game of "Jeopardy," dinner, time in the hot tub, then bedtime in the most comfortable bed that I have ever slept in! I slept with 7 down feather pillows and a down comforter.....I could have bought some just like them for a small fortune! This morning we woke up and had a nice walk on the beach, followed with time at the "spa pool" then ended with a delicious lunch on our "club level!" Dr Lee and his wife treated us well! Here are a few pics! However, I missed the kids and hubs....

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A little of what's been happening....

So not much has happened since my last post, but here are a few pics of what's went on this past month.
My birthday was June 24th and I am posting pics of my gorgeous flowers from my hubby, kids surfing, our work Spa Day, and my baby dog Buck.