Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Baby MAX

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with the sweetest little 4 month old little boy,
my "not so blood kin" nephew, Max Lee McGowan. I love 
him so much as if he was my own blood kin or my own child. 
He makes me have "baby fever" when I am with him, but once I return home to my 4 and 8 year olds, who know now to entertain themselves, eat, wipe their hiney, and sleep well.....that fever goes away! 
But then again, it's sad that they grow up ENTIRELY too darn fast! 
Here are a few photos from my visit with the sweetest little boy yesterday......

Friday, January 18, 2013

Rohn Family Vacation 2013 ~ Day 1

Today was the first day of our family vacation with the Rohn family (Jesse's dads side) which is the first one since Jesse was 4 years old! It is long over due!!! Today there was 10 of us and we have 4 more joining us within a couple of hours.
Today we went to the Dillard House animal zoo to see the animals. We enjoyed it! The goats are funny to watch and there was a huge bull with huge horns! Then of course we took a trip to Walmart for groceries too! Now we are back at the cabin with a fire, chili, and family sitting together playing cards.....great trip so far!