Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday to Macy

I know I'm a little late on posting, but Feb 29th was Macy's 7th birthday. Technically she is not even 2 years old yet due to her birthday being on Leap Day, so we celebrated her special day on March 1. She had her 1st sleepover, which was so much fun for her and her girl friends, but a tedious task on me. They had such a good time, they did the traditional sleepover traditions of painting fingernails and toenails, they played dress up, listed to music and danced, as well as played Just Dance 2 on the Wii.
 This is a photo of my new dining room decorated for the Party
Savannah, Macy, Haley, and Kenzie
 Macy and her cupcake tree with Publix Bakery cupcakes
 The Girls playing in Macy's room
Overall, the sleepover was a
and I'm sure that we will be doing it again for many more birthdays to come!

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