Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

I know that I'm a little late on some of my posting, but it's better late than never!
This New Year's Eve wasn't much of anything. Macy and I went to my mother in law's to play Shanghai Rummy, which is by far my favorite card game. We had finger foods, wine, champagne, and played cards and had many laughs. The little girls had sparklers while we older girls played cards. Jake stayed the night and brought the new year in with Ma and Pa, cause he was too sleepy to go to Grandma Cathy's! Jesse had to work on New Year's Day so he couldn't stay out late. He went to Johnny's mom's and only stayed until 11:00.
I was still able to have my New Years kiss with my hubby just after midnight. I stayed and rang in the new year at my MIL then headed to my sister's and rang in the new year with her and my hubby, and Macy. My sis, Macy, and I even did a few more sparklers.

I didn't take too many photos, but here are a few from the night.

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