Monday, December 13, 2010

Beginning our HoLiDay Festivities....

This past week we started some of our holiday festivities. Macy and Jake made gingerbread houses and Santa cookies...
Let's just say that Jake's cookies didn't end up with very much candy on them, cause Jake was eating much more than he was willing to put on the cookies. After that, I went home and  I spent about an hour "attempting" to take photos of both kids together in front of our Christmas tree, for our family Christmas card, but all I was able to get accomplished was two separate photos.....

Which, of course they both look super cute! I'll just have to settle for two photos rather than one. Why should I have thought that they would cooperate and both look at the camera at the same time anyway! Geez!
One more thing, our dog, Stitch FINALLY went to the groomers and now looks like a schnauzer again!
He's so cute! I love him so much!! (Although nobody else seems to, cause he barks 24/7!)
Happy Holidays 
from our family to yours!


  1. LOVE that picture of Jake!!! So cute. Your tree looks pretty awesome!

  2. Thank you Loni! Yeah my tree does look pretty awesome! haha! I Love it!
