Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm LoViNg this time of year!

Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. I LOVE everything about the holidays. We start preparing for Christmas beginning Thanksgiving night by going out shopping on Black Friday. Followed by going to pick out our tree, decorating it and putting lights on the house. 

This is our Tree this year. Decorating the tree is my favorite part of the holidays.
This weekend we have a fun-filled weekend planned. Jesse and I are going to the Melting Pot with my boss and co-workers with all of our spouses for our Christmas dinner, which I am so excited about. Saturday I plan on spending the day with the kids and putting together our gingerbread houses that Macy and I bought yesterday at our trip to Toys R Us, after we went and saw Santa Clause! This year I bought two kits, a train gingerbread kit for Jake, and a traditional house for Macy.
I'm looking forward to putting on Christmas music and spending time with the kids. I might decide to do a little baking too! After making some handmade luminaries for Halloween this year, I think Macy and I might make some of these.....
 on Saturday too! I think they are so pretty and they are so fun to make! I enjoy being able to do crafts with Macy. It's amazing to see how creative a 6 year old little girl can be! 

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