Thursday, June 16, 2011

Not having such a great week

This week has been a sad one...
My dear friend Loni was admitted to the hospital last Friday, recently moved to the ICU. She is fighting hard. She has a rare syndrome due to some complications to medication. She is such a sweet person and means a lot to me as well as our other Co-workers.
It saddens me that I know how bad she wants a baby and is having to go through so much just to have one.
She is going to pull through this a become a wonderful Mommy one day soon!
I love you Loni and you have to be strong and pull through this!
You are such a fighter.....
My prayers are with you as well as you're in many others too!
I love you Loni!!
(this is a photo of Loni and I taken last month at Disney World)

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