Tuesday, November 1, 2011

HaPPy HaLLoWeeN!

Halloween was such a great time this year!
I was a little upset that due to the daylight savings time being in November rather than before Halloween, we couldn't begin Trick or Treating until  7:00, which put the kids getting in bed later than normal. We went trick or treating in Tracey and Ryan's neighborhood. We didn't go to too many houses, cause I didn't want the kids to get too much candy. I know, what is too much candy?
They got just enough, to last for a couple of weeks.
We sat out our jack-o-lanterns at the end
of the driveway. I was so impressed with the way that they turned out this year. I didn't get to take any photos of the carving of the pumpkins this year, cause I was still in the mountains while Jesse and Macy carved them this year. Macy's was the cat, Jake's was a Dragon, and Jesse's was a haunted house. The costumes that were chosen this year were, Macy was
a Rock Star and Jake was Spiderman.
They were too stinkin cute!!


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