Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mr & Mrs Jason Brewer

Two hearts, two families, became one on Saturday, November 10, 2012.
My sister and Jason tied the knot on a "couldn't be better" kind of day. It was a nice, intimate wedding with just about 30 people.
Now I have 2 of the cutest little guys that are now my nephews! Dylan an Daniel! And another boy on the way in Spring 2013! I cannot wait!!!!
Now I must show some photos from the wedding.....

Sunday, October 28, 2012

These Fall Leaves are Gorgeous!!!

So this weekend has been our annual trip to the mountains in
North Carolina. I love this time of year up here!!!
The leaves aren't quite as pretty as they usually are, but it's a lot prettier than
good ol' Florida.
This trip is without Daddy, but the kids and I are loving it!
We spent one day at the Corn Maze, the kids went to the Fun Factory, a day trip to Highlands, and a lot of eating and cheating on my diet!

The only bad part of the trip is having to leave to go home tomorrow morning and that
my Gators lost yesterday to our biggest rivalry, the Bulldogs.....yuck!
 This is the view from the bottom of my parents driveway....
it's absolutely beautiful!!!
We had such a good time at the corn maze and seeing all of the pumpkins...
This corn maze was so nice and pretty!
Everything was absolutely Beautiful!!!!
I can't wait to see it in 2013!!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Life is GOOD

Life has been Good here for this girl....
There have been several exciting things going on in my life..
1st and foremost, I'm healthy and my kids and hubby are healthy! I sometimes think
people take for granted good health.
On Septemeber 20th I became an "Aunt" to an amazing baby boy named Max. He sure has stolen his "Aunt Bash's" heart. I love him as if he was my own blood kin....He is our bestest friends, Danielle and Daniel's son.

He defintely gives me the baby fever, but I know that I can't let that happen right now!! haha!!
My kids make my day and my life worth living. They are my most important things in life! I can't believe how fast they are growing up!
My little girl isn't so little anymore, she is 8!
And my baby boy just had his 4th birthday September 15th.....tear :(
My kids can sometimes drive me bonkers, but I wouldn't change it for the world!!
They keep me on my toes and keep me happy!

Oh I almost forgot......In March 2013, I will become an aunt again to an amazing
baby boy!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

3rd and PreK-4

So August 20 and Sept 4 both kids are now in school. Where have my babies gone? They grow up so quickly!!! Macy is a 3rd grader, and at the last minute we decided to enroll Jake (he has a late bday so he isn't "suppose" to go until next school year) in preK. He will be the youngest in his class, but he has an AMAZING teacher who I adore! Macy had her for PreK and K-5. He's doing so good!
Macy is of course doing great too! She loves both of her teachers. She is in a large class of 34 kids so they have a co-teaching class.
I'm not going to know what to do with myself on Mondays when I'm home alone while they are at school!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Amelia Island

So this weekend was very short and quick, yet so relaxing! My boss and his wife treated us Normandy girls to the Ritz Carlton in Amelia Island. It started with lunch yesterday, then a relaxing time at the pool, a game of "Jeopardy," dinner, time in the hot tub, then bedtime in the most comfortable bed that I have ever slept in! I slept with 7 down feather pillows and a down comforter.....I could have bought some just like them for a small fortune! This morning we woke up and had a nice walk on the beach, followed with time at the "spa pool" then ended with a delicious lunch on our "club level!" Dr Lee and his wife treated us well! Here are a few pics! However, I missed the kids and hubs....