Friday, October 12, 2012

Life is GOOD

Life has been Good here for this girl....
There have been several exciting things going on in my life..
1st and foremost, I'm healthy and my kids and hubby are healthy! I sometimes think
people take for granted good health.
On Septemeber 20th I became an "Aunt" to an amazing baby boy named Max. He sure has stolen his "Aunt Bash's" heart. I love him as if he was my own blood kin....He is our bestest friends, Danielle and Daniel's son.

He defintely gives me the baby fever, but I know that I can't let that happen right now!! haha!!
My kids make my day and my life worth living. They are my most important things in life! I can't believe how fast they are growing up!
My little girl isn't so little anymore, she is 8!
And my baby boy just had his 4th birthday September 15th.....tear :(
My kids can sometimes drive me bonkers, but I wouldn't change it for the world!!
They keep me on my toes and keep me happy!

Oh I almost forgot......In March 2013, I will become an aunt again to an amazing
baby boy!!!

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