Sunday, May 8, 2011

HaPPy MoTheR's DaY!

I have to say,
 "I had a GREAT Mother's Day!"
 Today was spent with my husband, kids, and my wonderful family. The start of the wonderful day was the fact that I got to sleep in until 9:15 this morning. I could have slept longer but the phone began ringing....
We had lunch with the "Rohn" side of the family, then we headed to Ma and Pa's house to spend the afternoon with them. Pa took us on quiet boat ride, played outside with the kids, rode the four wheelers, and cooked out.
These (above) are my flowers from the kids, which I
think are Beautiful!

This is a photo of Jake and I out on the boat....which was FANTASTIC! All I wanted to do was RELAX!

Which, this was my view. Pretty relaxing, huh?!

And this is my very 1st planter that I have ever done, which I did Monday on my day off from work. I think I did a pretty good job! Now all I keep
thinking about is going to buy more plants to do another!

Being that the kids are still young, Jesse has to buy my mother's day gift, which he got me flowers and a day for him to watch the kids so that I can go and get pampered.....ANY day that I want! Overall I had a great mother's Day!!

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