Sunday, May 1, 2011

Goodbye Weekend...

Man, I can't believe how fast the weekend flew by!
It seems like just yesterday was Thursday evening and my weekend was just starting. Yes, I said Thursday....I had the day off on Friday cause of my wonderful co-worker Loni offering to work for me since I have been filling in on so many Mondays, which is usually my day off.
I really enjoyed this weekend and spending some much needed time at home and catching up on my cleaning and organizing our new home. (I'm posting from my iPhone, so I will have to add photos of the house later!)
Things that were accomplished this weekend were:
1. My house cleaned and organized.....yay! It makes me so happy!
2. Had friends over for the UFC Fight Saturday night
3. Went to dinner and the Annual Shrimp Festival in Fernandina Beach
4. Had my Mamaw and Papaw come over to finally see our new house
5. Watched the "Royal Wedding" Friday morning while in my pj's on my couch
And most of all, I spent time with the kids and Jesse!

I'm looking forward to next weekend cause it is Mother's Day, which I happen to think its an amazing holiday!! All that I ask for is that I get to sleep in on Sunday and that I don't have to clean a single thing all day!

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