Thursday, October 27, 2011

Autumn in the Mountains

So this afternoon around 1:00 we arrived in one of my favorite places.....the mountains of Northern Georgia and North Carolina.
We started off with a wonderful lunch at a little privately owned Italian restaurant, "Mama G's." They have the BEST garlic rolls!
After lunch we came to the cabin, where we call home several times a year. It is like a second home to us, we are here so often!
This trip I made without Jesse. Tracey and I made a trip with the kids and Grandma and Papa Smith. My family is here at my parents house and at my grandparents mountain house too. We are blessed! Coming up to see the leaves change is absolutely, hands down, my favorite time to come up here. Here are a few photos so far.....

Friday, October 21, 2011

Strep Throat stinks!

Well that photo above is what I have looked like since Sunday, well for the most part.
I did go to work on Tuesday, but left feeling so yucky!
Tuesday night my mom brought home a swab and test strip and yes, I was diagnosed with
Strep A virus.
I felt absolutely horrible!
I went to see my family physician Wednesday and now I feel MUCH better.
I had both Wednesday and Thursday off of work, now I'm back and ready for the weekend.
We are going camping!! That is, if everyone can stay away from being sick.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mr & Mrs Daniel McGowan

Saturday 10.15.11 
Danielle and Daniel became ONE,
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McGowan
It all took place at the 
Hilliard Mansion.
I am honored that they asked myself as well as my husband and children to participate and be included in the bridal party. I feel so loved! (lol)
It was a gorgeous and fun wedding.  
This is the Hillard Mansion, where the wedding was held. It was beautiful!
 Macy is getting all dressed up!

 Macy and Riley, junior bridesmaids

 The cutest ever!!! My gorgeous ringbearer and flower girl.

 The Ceremony

 Ally Mac and Jesse

 Johnny B and I

Daniel and her Daddy

The awesome Grooms cake!

1st dance

Oh my goodness, my hubby is smiling!!!

 That's the back side of me in the red dress! Haha! I was having fun!

We REALLY enjoyed all of the dancing at the reception!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We had a fun weekend!

This past weekend was a great one!
Friday evening after work was spent running tons of errands and cleaning house from top to bottom getting ready for Danielle and Daniel's couples shower/GATORS party Saturday.
Saturday was so much fun spending time with some great friends and family. 
Sunday, although my back continued to KILL me, since the previous weekend riding 4 wheelers.
Sunday I spent the day with my wonderful sister at the Jaguars vs. Bengals game, even though we LOST, I still had fun. 
Here are a few photos of the Jaguars game. I will post more from the couples bash later!

I love my sister!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A hunting we will go.....

This past Sunday the kids and I rode up to the 
hunting camp 
with my parents and my grandparents. The kids and I spent a lot of time on the 4 wheelers in the woods. It was a gorgeous day! The weather was amazing!!
I loved it up there in Woodbine, GA. It brings back so many memories of when I was a kid myself and played hopscotch in the dirt road at our old hunting camp. 
I have memories of the chase of the hunting dogs, the bright orange vests, the sounds of gunshots, riding in the back of the truck with my cousins, which were all boys.
It allows me to remember the fond memories of my Pepaw too!!
I hope my kids share as many memories as I do when I was a youngster.
Here are a few photos....

 (Little Miss Priss likes the woods too!)
 Jake and Kingston in their matching camo shirts

 Ma is brave to ride with Macy!

 My Dad and Macy on the 4 wheeler throwing out corn.....

 And that's a fresh deer track!

 My baby girl and I on the 4 wheeler.

 Macy going shooting with her BB gun.

"Look Kingston, a deer track!"

 I spent most of the day riding the boys.


Our LAST trip to Disney......for a while

Last Friday, 09.30.11 was our LAST trip to
Disney World
for a while. Our annual passes expired yesterday. Needless to say we used them to the max!
We have gone (all of us, some less than others) between 6 and 8 times in the past year. Let's just say
We LOVE it!
The Food & Wine Festival at Epcot is going on this month. We went on the first day of it.
It was a neat experience. They had food and drinks from all sorts of different countries throughout the park.
My sister and nephew, I, and my kids went for the day. I wished for my hubby to be there too, but we still had a blast!! Here are a few photos of our trip.

That was our last time seeing my favorite character, GOOFY for a while!!
I'm planning on renewing our annual passes in February.....hopefully!