Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A hunting we will go.....

This past Sunday the kids and I rode up to the 
hunting camp 
with my parents and my grandparents. The kids and I spent a lot of time on the 4 wheelers in the woods. It was a gorgeous day! The weather was amazing!!
I loved it up there in Woodbine, GA. It brings back so many memories of when I was a kid myself and played hopscotch in the dirt road at our old hunting camp. 
I have memories of the chase of the hunting dogs, the bright orange vests, the sounds of gunshots, riding in the back of the truck with my cousins, which were all boys.
It allows me to remember the fond memories of my Pepaw too!!
I hope my kids share as many memories as I do when I was a youngster.
Here are a few photos....

 (Little Miss Priss likes the woods too!)
 Jake and Kingston in their matching camo shirts

 Ma is brave to ride with Macy!

 My Dad and Macy on the 4 wheeler throwing out corn.....

 And that's a fresh deer track!

 My baby girl and I on the 4 wheeler.

 Macy going shooting with her BB gun.

"Look Kingston, a deer track!"

 I spent most of the day riding the boys.