Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Macy turns 8

On February 29, 2004 we were blessed with a beautiful, healthy, 6 lb 9 oz baby girl.
Our lives were forever changed!!
Today she celebrates her 2nd TRUE birthday on February 29, 2012.
Here are a few photos of our Macy throughout her life so far.

 Bath time. 15 months old

3 years old, bedtime.

first day of PreK August 2008, 4 1/2 years old
Decemeber 2008, almost 5 years old.

Macy has blessed our lives in so many ways. She has became such an intelligent, loving, caring, busy, loves cheerleading and dancing
8 year old !!!

Happy Birthday Baby girl!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm feeling AMAZING!

Ok guys, so I've been dieting for one month and a few days. So far I have lost
16 lbs
I couldn't be happier, well yes I could. I want to lost quite a bit more. It's amazing how great I feel!
I've been eating a lot of vegetables, fruit, lean meat, salads, less bread, and low calorie snacks.
I have also been exercising 3-4 times a week.
I wish I would have started this a very LONG time ago! It feels amazing to see and feel the results of
losing the weight. I have more energy and I have been sleeping much better too!
It seems like each time I step on the scale in the mornings, I have lost something. It could be .3 lbs to 1.5 lbs within a day. It's AWESOME!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cheersport NATIONALS

This past weekend was such a GREAT one!
We were in Atlanta for one of the biggest Cheer and Dance competition in the Country,
Cheersport Nationals.
We stayed at the Twelve hotel, which was one of the nicest hotels that I have ever stayed in. Macy and I carpooled with two other cheer moms and their daughters. We had a lovely girls weekend.
Our hotel was approx one mile from where the competiton was held, at the Georgia World Commerce Center, so we walked alot. We also walked a lot during the competion due to the fact that the GWCC is HUGE! There were 928 teams at the competition, about 10,000 cheerleaders.
The competition was all day on Saturday and Sunday.
Macy and I both passed out once we got home. I even fell asleep in the car while riding, which I never do!
Macy's cheer team won Silver Champions and her dance team won Bronze Champions! I couldn't be happier! She cheers for the BEST gym around, RIVERCITY ALLSTARS - ROCKETS!!
Here are a few photos from the weekend.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm on my way...

So this past Saturday started week 4 of my new diet, yes I'm dieting and sticking to it!
I feel so much better now that I have changed the way that I eat and also added exercise into my daily routine. It's amazing how good you feel when you drink 1000 bottles of water and exercise.
I have changed my eating habits COMPLETELY!
No more fast food, fried foods, sodas, sweets.....all vegetables, fruits, lean meats, salads, and drinking
Lots and Lots of Water!!!
Anyone who knows me knows that I have been addicted to sodas for quite a while!

(above) this is what my diet consists of here lately.

And, I'm drinking a TON of this!!!!

And I've been doing a lot of this too! I have always wanted to learn to run, and now I'm on my way!!

But at the end I am seeing and feeling results! So far after 3 weeks, I have lost 13 lbs!!! I have several more to lose!!

I can do it, I can do it!!