Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm feeling AMAZING!

Ok guys, so I've been dieting for one month and a few days. So far I have lost
16 lbs
I couldn't be happier, well yes I could. I want to lost quite a bit more. It's amazing how great I feel!
I've been eating a lot of vegetables, fruit, lean meat, salads, less bread, and low calorie snacks.
I have also been exercising 3-4 times a week.
I wish I would have started this a very LONG time ago! It feels amazing to see and feel the results of
losing the weight. I have more energy and I have been sleeping much better too!
It seems like each time I step on the scale in the mornings, I have lost something. It could be .3 lbs to 1.5 lbs within a day. It's AWESOME!!

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