Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm on my way...

So this past Saturday started week 4 of my new diet, yes I'm dieting and sticking to it!
I feel so much better now that I have changed the way that I eat and also added exercise into my daily routine. It's amazing how good you feel when you drink 1000 bottles of water and exercise.
I have changed my eating habits COMPLETELY!
No more fast food, fried foods, sodas, sweets.....all vegetables, fruits, lean meats, salads, and drinking
Lots and Lots of Water!!!
Anyone who knows me knows that I have been addicted to sodas for quite a while!

(above) this is what my diet consists of here lately.

And, I'm drinking a TON of this!!!!

And I've been doing a lot of this too! I have always wanted to learn to run, and now I'm on my way!!

But at the end I am seeing and feeling results! So far after 3 weeks, I have lost 13 lbs!!! I have several more to lose!!

I can do it, I can do it!!

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