Monday, December 13, 2010

Beginning our HoLiDay Festivities....

This past week we started some of our holiday festivities. Macy and Jake made gingerbread houses and Santa cookies...
Let's just say that Jake's cookies didn't end up with very much candy on them, cause Jake was eating much more than he was willing to put on the cookies. After that, I went home and  I spent about an hour "attempting" to take photos of both kids together in front of our Christmas tree, for our family Christmas card, but all I was able to get accomplished was two separate photos.....

Which, of course they both look super cute! I'll just have to settle for two photos rather than one. Why should I have thought that they would cooperate and both look at the camera at the same time anyway! Geez!
One more thing, our dog, Stitch FINALLY went to the groomers and now looks like a schnauzer again!
He's so cute! I love him so much!! (Although nobody else seems to, cause he barks 24/7!)
Happy Holidays 
from our family to yours!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm LoViNg this time of year!

Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. I LOVE everything about the holidays. We start preparing for Christmas beginning Thanksgiving night by going out shopping on Black Friday. Followed by going to pick out our tree, decorating it and putting lights on the house. 

This is our Tree this year. Decorating the tree is my favorite part of the holidays.
This weekend we have a fun-filled weekend planned. Jesse and I are going to the Melting Pot with my boss and co-workers with all of our spouses for our Christmas dinner, which I am so excited about. Saturday I plan on spending the day with the kids and putting together our gingerbread houses that Macy and I bought yesterday at our trip to Toys R Us, after we went and saw Santa Clause! This year I bought two kits, a train gingerbread kit for Jake, and a traditional house for Macy.
I'm looking forward to putting on Christmas music and spending time with the kids. I might decide to do a little baking too! After making some handmade luminaries for Halloween this year, I think Macy and I might make some of these.....
 on Saturday too! I think they are so pretty and they are so fun to make! I enjoy being able to do crafts with Macy. It's amazing to see how creative a 6 year old little girl can be! 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

RCA Rockets.....Ready....Set....BLAST OFF!

See my cute little ROCKET....Yesterday was Macy's cheerleading Blast Off Party. This is her first year being a cheerleader at RiverCity All-Stars. She LOVES it. Sometimes she complains about having to practice so much and so hard, but she knows that it will pay off in the end at competition!
This was her first time ever practicing her routine in front of a large crowd. She did SO good!! It brings back memories from when I was an allstar cheerleader myself.
Her 1st competition will be in January 2011. We can't wait!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I think it's time......

I thought I would take a minute to do a little blogging today. I have been so busy that I haven't had the time to blog. Since Halloween, not much has happened in the Rohn household. All of us have caught a cold that's been going around....ugh...I've just been busy with my everyday responsibilities (work, being a Mommy and wife, keeping up with all of the new Thomas the Train episodes on OnDemand for Jake, keeping up with the homework and cheerleading for Macy, going to Publix and Wal-mart atleast several times a week) and now we just found out yesterday that there is a high possibility that we will be moving into our first house soon! YAY!!! Sorry no pics today.....more to come soon!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

HaLLoWeEn 2010......

We had a Wonderful Halloween this year! We went Trick-or-Treating, which the kids got entirely too much candy! Jake was my little Rockstar,
which Jesse had to make him his own little guitar out of a cardboard box. Everyone thought he was the cutest little rocker!! Macy was our little Halloween Fairy.
  She was so pretty!! She picked out her own costume this year. 
Fall is has always been my favorite time of year. I love spending time with my family in the Mountains in October and going to see the beautiful Fall colors of North Carolina. This year Jesse or my dad didn't go, it was a "girls trip," well and kids too!
Here is a few pictures from our Annual Fall Mountain Trip from the week before Halloween......
 This was Jake at the Corn Maze sitting with the Pumpkins.
And here is a photo of my BEAUTIFUL Macy and the pumpkins.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Random post for Hump Day.....

I was thinking just how much that I LOVE what I do for a living! Becoming a dental hygienist has been on the top of my list of accomplishments. I love Teeth and helping my patients take care of their oral health! 
 This past weekend our dental office went to the ADA Annual Session in Orlando. We had such a blast! We were able to get so much free dental stuff! Whitening (which I was ecstatic about), tons of toothbrushes, floss, toothpastes, and so much more! Friday some of us girls went to Universal's Islands of Adventure.
We had such a good time at the park! We didn't have to wait very long in the lines, which is Always a plus, we were able to get Gabbie to ride the HULK with us, we were able to ride all 3 of the NEW Harry Potter rides that were in Hogsmeade, drink Butterbeer, and goof off all day! Afterwards we went to our wonderful hotel, the JW Marriott, and enjoyed the lazy river and the hot tub, followed by a girls movie night.
 Above is a photo of me demonstrating how to use a handpiece on our Scavenger Hunt teammate, Amy. This was on our list of items for the hunt. Did I mention yet, that our team WON!
I was able to practice using new equipment for dental hygienist at the session. I loved learning all of the New technology that is out.
I am so glad that I became a dental hygienist and that I work for an amazing boss, with great co-workers at Normandy Dentistry! 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oh how we LOVE going to Disney World!!

This past weekend we took a family trip to Walt Disney World! When Jesse called to make the reservation for us, they had told us that this had been our 30th trip within the past 7 years (that is rediculous). Although, we didn't always go to a Disney park, it was sometimes Universal or for some sort of function, but regardless we have given the big 6 foot mouse, a lot of our money!! I'm sure we will give him a lot more within the next several years!!
We stayed at Disney's All-Star Movies Resort in the Dalmations area. This was our second time staying there with Macy, and our first with Jake. We always stay at one of the Disney resorts when we take a trip there, cause we love them so much!
On Sunday, we went to the Magic Kingdom and spent majority of the day there. This is by far our favorite Disney spot!  
We had a blast! We had only taken Jake when he was 3 months old, so this was pretty much his first trip where he could enjoy it. He loved all of the characters. His face was priceless when he saw each of them, Goofy, Stitch, Buzz Lightyear, Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse, and most of all, Mickey Mouse! Macy was able to meet Tinkerbell and 2 of the other fairies, as well as the characters that Jake saw. She was ecstatic over them!!
 Saturday we enjoyed the hotel accommodations, including the pool, gift shop, game room, and the lounge area.....a nap was included too by Jake and I....hehe! Then Saturday night we went with friends of ours, Johnny, Angeline, their son, our family, and my sister and nephew to Downtown Disney and ate at the T-Rex restaurant, which was so cool! Jake was terrified of the lights and the dinosaurs. Then we watched the Florida vs. Alabama game.....which was the only upset of our trip!
 Our family with Buzz Lightyear at the Magic Kingdom 
on Saturday. Jake LOVES Buzz! That was Macy's 2nd time seeing him. She was able to see him last February when we went for her Birthday.
Sunday, after we left the Magic Kingdom, Tiffney and I took Kingston and Jake to Disney's
Hollywood Studios to let the boys see the Fantasmic show, which was great, but kind of scary for the kids. Macy didn't feel good, so Jesse took her back to the resort so that we could go with the boys. 
Macy, Jake, Tiffney, Kingston, and I went to Animal Kingdom on Monday before we headed home. We hadn't been there in a few years, therefore Macy didn't remember much about it. We all had a blast and cannot wait to go back!!
We plan on going back in November or December with my parents.

Monday, September 27, 2010

7 YEARS.......

Today has been 7 years since the day that I said "I DO." Since September 27, 2003, a lot has happened. We have been very blessed with 2 healthy, beautiful children, Macy and Jake, I have received my degree in dental hygiene doing what I love for the last 3 years, Jesse has went through EMT school and is currently in the Fire Academy, which he graduates from in November, and we are currently looking into buying our first house. We were married at only 19 years old, and we have came such a long way. It's definitely had a few bumps along the way, but it wouldn't be normal if everything was always perfect! I love you, Jesse and I look forward to spending many more years with you!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

FALL, I'm so happy to see you!

Today is the 1st day of FALL! This is my Favorite season! Pumpkin carving with the kids, going to see the beautiful Fall Leaves in North Carolina with my family, Bonfires, GATORS Football games, Oyster roasts, Trick-or-Treating, baking, making crafts with Macy, Thanksgiving, our annual Garage Sale, County Fairs, bike rides, Camping, the beautiful Weather. I could go on and on giving reasons on why I LOVE Fall! This is a very busy time of year for my family, but it's worth EVERY minute!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Jacob!

On September 15, 2008 I was blessed again with one of God's many blessings, a baby boy, Jacob Lee Rohn. Jake has been such a wonderful blessing to our family. He is a very sweet, happy, energetic, all-boy, lovable boy!
 "I can't believe how time flies! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital. I have loved you since the day that I found out that I was pregnant with you. You will always hold a very special place in Mommy and Daddy's heart!"
HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY Jake!! We Love You So Very Much!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. We lost, but will never forget a wonderful woman on July 20, 2007 to this horrible disease, Renee Smith Beckham, at only 43 years of age. She fought a long battle and was taken to be with the Lord, of which she had an abundance of love and worship for. We love her so much! Each person who was given the opportunity to know or get to meet Renee was blessed. She was such a sweet and caring woman. We will never forget you Renee!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010

Our family spent a WONDERFUL Labor Day Weekend at our Family's Mountain Cabin. Jesse's family has spent every Labor Day Weekend in the Mountains since he was a little boy. Now that we have a family of our own we are making memories of our own that will last a lifetime. The Weather was Great, it felt as if it was already Autumn, which is my favorite season of all! We watched GATORS football while we were there, went to Gatlinburg, TN, went to see waterfalls, and enjoyed spending time with both Jesse's family as well as my parents, while they were at their cabin across the mountain. We're looking forward to spending many more Labor Day Weekends in North Carolina!

 He's a Daddy's Boy too!

 Of course we had to wear our Orange and Blue on Game Day!

Nana and Macy

Jake says, "GO GATORS!"

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Macy's in the 1st grade!!

Our baby girl is growing up! We can't believe that she has started the 1st grade! She loves her new school, which most of the reason is that she gets to pick out her outfit daily and NO uniforms! We have ourselves a little DIVA! It's hard to believe that she will be 7 years old in February 2011. Time sure does fly by doesn't it?

Friday, August 27, 2010

New to Blogging....

Hi I am Ashley and I am new to blogging! I think that I will like the idea of blogging rather than so much Facebook. Let's hope so!