Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy HUMP Day!

We have had a lot going on lately...
Macy has kept me SO busy with her Cheerleading activities.
We are also in the process of trying to complete all of the "fix-its" in our new place. We are hoping to MOVE into our NeW PLaCe this coming up weekend. My poor husband has been so busy with painting and fixing small things throughout the house. I am so anxious to move!! We have waited so LONG for this. I am thrilled to move away, but stay only a street over from where I have grown up at and lived my entire life. I wouldn't know what to do if I had to move away from my family. I honestly can say, that I think I would go absolutely crazy if I had to move far away. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family that lives so close.
I will post new photos soon of our house once we move...Yay!!!

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