Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Random post for Wednesday.....

Today the weather is so nasty! It's Rainy and Ugly out! Although after watching my favorite morning show, LIVE with Regis and Kelly, which they had a live cam in Chicago, I feel absolutely horrible for the people that live near Chicago and the surrounding areas, and grateful that I live in Florida.
 (above) Such a pretty photo of snow....Not quite what the Northeast is having now.
There is SO much SNOW up there, and it's still coming down. I love to see snow, but I am so grateful that I don't live in a place where I have to deal with it every winter. 
However, here in Jacksonville, we have nasty rain showers today. I would much rather be at home curled up in bed watching a movie or Playhouse Disney with my sick little boy.
I love the sound of rain and I know that we need a little bit, but come on nature, you can quit anytime!
I am ready for Summer! I am looking forward to going to the beach, going camping, going fishing, summer vacations, laying by the pool with my list could go on forever!! 
Doesn't this photo look warm and relaxing? I think so......
Happy Hump Day!!

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