Thursday, July 28, 2011

Our "Adult" vacation was a BLAST!!

We had absolutely had a BLAST at our 4 day vacation camping at Salt Springs.
I missed the kids, but it was nice to get away with Jesse and our friends. 
We adore all of the McGowan's.....they're pretty cool folks!
I packed entirely too much clothes, considering I only wore my bathing suit and cover up or my pj's the entire weekend. I loved floating in my NEW float at the spring. We listened to some music, grilled out on the boat, and had some adult beverages.....a lot of them...
I really enjoyed sitting around and catching up with everyone since we have all been so busy lately. 
Danielle and Daniel's wedding is coming up and I cannot wait....I'm almost excited as they are!
I loved my float!

I love my hubby too!
This was a photo looking off the bow of the boat at Salt Run

And this was a photo of the beautiful sunset on our last evening.....

I can't wait to go back next year!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Oh how I'm looking forward to the weekend!!

Thursday afternoon when I get off work this is where I will be enjoying my weekend at....
CHILD FREE! I love my kids, but sometimes I need a break to relax and have some adult time.
We are going camping (not in a tent, in a camper) Thursday through Sunday. I can't wait!
We are taking the boat and going tubing, maybe some adult beverages, and enjoying time with GREAT friends all weekend long! I love it!

The pool and hot tub are fantastic, they even have an "Adult only" pool. We are going with Tracey and Ryan, and Daniel and Danielle with Daniel's family. They make it a annual event. 

I can't wait to sit alongside the boat or shore of the lake and watch the sunset, listening to some Jimmy Buffett and drinking a cocktail. sounds AMAZING!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

What a wonderful weekend we had!

This past weekend was a blast! Thursday evening when I got home from work we packed up really quickly and headed to Disney World....Again!
This time we stayed with Tracey and Ryan at Fort Wilderness Campground. Which by the way was free, due to Ryan having to go for work and his work paid for his stay.

(This is a photo of Jake and Daddy at the resort petting the beautiful horses!)
It was so much fun! We were able to spend some one on one time with little man, Jake.
He LOVED the pool and the slide, which by the way, he went down about 50 times BY HIMSELF!
He's such a big boy now.
Friday rained during the day quite a bit, but cleared up in time to enjoy the pool in the afternoon and go to the beach on the lake to watch the fireworks from the Magic Kingdom at 10:00. I think we stayed in the pool almost 3 hours! We were pruny!
Saturday Evening just Jake and I rode the shuttle boat over to the Magic Kingdom and had a wonderful time! It feels good to hang out with my little boy and have some alone time with just him.
The lines were great; we only waited 15 minutes for Winnie the Pooh ride and Dumbo, then the rest of the rides we walked right onto. It was such a great night. Jake was so well behaved and sweet.
We stayed from 7 until then the park closed at 11:00. We saw my favorite fireworks show, "Wishes," and was able to see the Electrical Parade too.

I can't wait to go back when Macy goes with us too!!
We are planning on going back in late September!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

We are taking another trip to Disney!!

We are going on an unplanned trip to Disney World!! Woo-Hoo!
Thanks to Tracey and Ryan we are going to spend tonight until Saturday afternoon at
Disney's Fort Wilderness Campground
Ryan has to go down for work and his work is paying for his lodging, so fortunately we have a FREE place to stay for two nights!
I'm a little bummed that Macy won't be going with us cause she went to the cabin with Ma up in North Carolina until Monday. Lucky girl!
Jesse, Jake, Leah, and Jessica are going down this afternoon as soon as I get off from work.
I am so excited! I haven't stayed at Fort Wilderness since I was 14 years old.
I think Jesse and I plan on taking Jake to the Magic Kingdom Friday night to see the fireworks and let him see Mickey Mouse.
This weekend is going to be FUNTASTIC!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

IndEpeNdEnCe dAy

Our 4th of July was
I had 6 wonderful days off from work, although we had a "Stay-cation" rather than
going out of town, which was extremely nice.
I was able to do a few things around the house, hang out by the pool with family, get my hair done, went out in the boat twice, and went to see CARS 2 with Jakey Wakey.

Jake LOVED seeing "TowMater" and "Lightening McQueen!"
It was his first movie theater experience, which he did extremely well during.
Macy was in the mountains withe Jesse's mom and stepdad and his family until Sunday the 3rd, she came home just in time for Fireworks.

Above is a photo of my family after a day in the boat and sunburns.
We were at Ma and Pa's house getting ready to enjoy some
bar-b-que and watch the fireworks.
I love spending time with family and that is what I enjoyed
the most about my time off from work. I can't wait until our next vacation to the
Lake at the end of the month.
Happy Hump Day!