Monday, July 18, 2011

Oh how I'm looking forward to the weekend!!

Thursday afternoon when I get off work this is where I will be enjoying my weekend at....
CHILD FREE! I love my kids, but sometimes I need a break to relax and have some adult time.
We are going camping (not in a tent, in a camper) Thursday through Sunday. I can't wait!
We are taking the boat and going tubing, maybe some adult beverages, and enjoying time with GREAT friends all weekend long! I love it!

The pool and hot tub are fantastic, they even have an "Adult only" pool. We are going with Tracey and Ryan, and Daniel and Danielle with Daniel's family. They make it a annual event. 

I can't wait to sit alongside the boat or shore of the lake and watch the sunset, listening to some Jimmy Buffett and drinking a cocktail. sounds AMAZING!!