Wednesday, July 6, 2011

IndEpeNdEnCe dAy

Our 4th of July was
I had 6 wonderful days off from work, although we had a "Stay-cation" rather than
going out of town, which was extremely nice.
I was able to do a few things around the house, hang out by the pool with family, get my hair done, went out in the boat twice, and went to see CARS 2 with Jakey Wakey.

Jake LOVED seeing "TowMater" and "Lightening McQueen!"
It was his first movie theater experience, which he did extremely well during.
Macy was in the mountains withe Jesse's mom and stepdad and his family until Sunday the 3rd, she came home just in time for Fireworks.

Above is a photo of my family after a day in the boat and sunburns.
We were at Ma and Pa's house getting ready to enjoy some
bar-b-que and watch the fireworks.
I love spending time with family and that is what I enjoyed
the most about my time off from work. I can't wait until our next vacation to the
Lake at the end of the month.
Happy Hump Day!

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