Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A day at the Spa

This is where my relaxing day began........

Our wonderful boss and his wife are so great to us! They have done so much for our team, but a day at the
Ponte Vedra Spa
beats most of all of the things, well Disney was pretty fun too!

This is a photo of my Utah friend, Loni. She leaves at the end of the month, and Oh how I'm going to miss her!

I, Amanda, and Sandy with our Strawberry Exression frozen drinks....they were Yummy!!

And this is my view from my lounge chair.....Ahhhh....this is relaxing!

Loni, Savannah, and I in the locker room

I could have sat there ALL day!

The butter were made into the shape of seahorses, the Spa Logo.....how neat!! We were impressed!

Our day started at 9:15 Saturday morning when we walked into the women's locker room, put on our swimsuits, robe, and our slipper sandals.
We spent until about 11:30 poolside, and between the hot tub, steam sauna and dry sauna, before laying on the cushy couches waiting for our names to be called at Noon for our spa services.
I had a nice Deep Tissue Massage. It was so relaxing. After each one of us were finished with the spa service of our choice, we went to lunch with Dr. Lee and his wife, Jane.
After lunch was over, I was a little sad that I had to leave and go face reality at home....Clean house..ugh!

Until next time PVS!!
Thanks Dr. Lee and Jane!!!

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