Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Slow Down!

I can't believe that summertime is getting close to the end....well, the heat not so much.
I am so ready for October/football weather!
However, I'm not ready for Macy to go back to school on the 22nd.

We have had a wonderful summer, but we haven't done anything too exciting...no big trips this year, which by the way I'm normally on a boat listening to Jimmy Buffet on the water of Key West on this day. Bummer.....

I am excited about school shopping with Macy, which I'm sure the little Diva will cause a few arguments and throw fits cause I won't buy her every little fashionista outfit!

I'm also excited about doing some crafts. I am completely obsessed with Pinterest.com
I find all sorts of cool ideas to be crafty and make homemade items, such as laundry detergent, playdoh, moon sand, all sorts of treats and decorations for my house.....the list could go on and on....

I'm also excited about planning Jake's 3rd birthday party for next month. I can't believe
that my baby boy will be 3!

Slow down August...I have things to do before you end!!!

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