Sunday, April 3, 2011

Burnt to a crisp!

Today was a Marvelous Sunday Funday!
We slept in this morning, followed by playing outside with Jake while I tried to catch a few rays, which I didn't....
We then rode out to Hugenot Park (aka The Jetties) where Grandma & Papa Rohn have been camping all weekend on the river/beach, where there I got
Burnt to a Crisp!
Just the front half of me anyways. I never seemed to realize that just the front of me was getting sun, until it was too late.
Danielle and Daniel, and Tracey and Ryan rode out to hang out with us as well.
We had such a great time!!
The kids enjoyed playing in the freezing water, feeding the birds, shell hunting, and playing in the sand.
Macy enjoyed picking up all of the hundreds of jellyfish that washed up to shore with the shovel and toss them back into the water. I'm not quite sure if she knew that by throwing them in the water was not going to bring them back to life. But it made her happy to think that it might.

After leaving the beach we stopped at one of my favorite restaurants,
the Sandollar
and had an early dinner setting out on the deck listening to a live band.
Now it's time to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet cause both kids are sound asleep
from all of the fun and excitement from today!

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