Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Maybe this will help me sleep????

Updating my blog seems to help me to fall asleep. So let's see. Today was a good day. I was actually able to go to the mall after work and go shopping for MYSELF! Which I needed some retail therapy in my life.... yay!! I had to buy an Easter dress and a dress for Macy's cheerleading banquet , which I will wear to same one to Gabbie's wedding on Saturday that I an really looking Forward to! I'm so glad that I was able to find something cause I have procrastinated on getting something. Oh, and also bought jewelry to go along with each dress, and 2 pairs of adorable flops! And I saved $70 (off order of $150 or more) with a coupon and the dresses being 30% off so I was quite pleased with my total bill. I love me some bargains!! 
Now all I have to do is be able to remember to grab everything tomorrow morning before work since I have to get ready at work....ugh! The banquet starts at 6:00. 
I am really looking forward to the banquet. I have heard such great things about the one last year that I hope this year is just as good or better! 
Another great thing that I bought today....little man's shirt for Easter which happened to be exactly what I've been looking for and it was on sale for $4.99! Holy Moly, that's cheap! Now if I could just have some sort of luck getting his feet to thin so that he can wear cute shoes to church. This kid most likely will end up in his brown flops cause nothing fits his fat piggies! Oh well, I'm sure worse things have happened......
I hope everyone has a happy Thursday tomorrow and Goodnight!

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